Make your way to the Boaz VFW Fairgrounds on May 1-10 for the Marshall County Spring Carnival!
Each year, the carnival is presented by the Jimmy Harris VFW Post 6837 of Boaz, Alabama!
Did you know the Boaz VFW is able to fund several financial aid initiatives and services for veterans and area students with proceeds they are able to raise through the carnival?
Every year, the Boaz VFW presents monetary awards to various students who excel in writing competitions. They also recognize a Teachers and First Responders with monetary awards.
The past two years, the Boaz VFW has donated to area schools' bands so they could travel for special performances out of state.
The Boaz VFW also helps fellow veterans and families that are going through a difficult time, paying rent for a month, funding lawn care, or providing utility assistance -- small yet impactful.
Without proceeds from the carnival, the Boaz VFW isn't able to do these GREAT things.
So come out, have an amazing time at the carnival, and support the Boaz VFW!